
About My Photography

My journey into photography took off when my mother gave me my first camera when I was 13. Immediately I began taking photos. Long family car trips with my geologist father, to visit my grandmother, Zella inspired me to find beauty using unique natural textures the earth created to capture people’s moods and memories.

As an artist, I have always been drawn to photographing people. With inspiration from my grandmother Zella’s ranch combined with unique excursions with my family, I spend many weekends dressing up my sister, friends, and even babysitting clients to pose for my “photo-shoots”. Having a supportive mother, a geologist as my father and a grandmother with country charm inspired me to utilize the diverse bay area landscapes to find exclusive locations to hold my “photo shoots” for many years.

Photographing people, paired with the knowledge I learned from photography classes in high school and college, my grandmother Zella and family stirred me to establish Zella Urmson Photography.

While you look through my portfolio, enjoy the life, unusual textures, and emotions I have been able to capture from my clients. —  Photographer/Owner

 I love family, food, travel, running, swimming, geology, the beach, the desert, and photography!








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